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时间:2024-07-11 10:08   来源:证券之星  阅读量:10341    

On the afternoon of July 9, the Pre-Expo Supply-Demand Matchmaking Meeting for Consumer Goods Exhibition Area, Trade in Services Exhibition Area, and Buyers Invitation Roadshow in Shanghai of the 7th China International Import Expo took place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

This event provided a platform for exhibitors and buyers in the consumer goods and trade in services sectors to connect and collaborate. A total of 56 companies participated, with 39 in the Consumer Goods Exhibition Area and 17 in the Trade in Services Exhibition Area. Over 100 buyers attended the event.

"2024 marks the fifth time BWT Holding has participated in the CIIE, and our booth size has steadily increased each year, expected to exceed 300 square meters this year," said Amanda Xu, Deputy General Manager of BWT Holding Trading Co., Ltd. As a long-standing participant in the CIIE, BWT has garnered substantial orders through these pre-event matchmaking sessions and the expo itself, achieving double-digit growth in sales in China in recent years. "We have great confidence in the Chinese market," Xu told reporters. "Through the CIIE, BWT has established solid partnerships with well-known domestic and international brands and gained deeper insights into global market demands, providing crucial reference for our strategic planning."

David Yuen, Managing Director of Tempur China, also praised the benefits brought by the CIIE. "The CIIE has always been a crucial platform for showcasing our brand. Each year, we bring the latest products and best experiences to Chinese consumers," Yuen said. Reflecting on the market outlook, he added, "We are full of confidence in the Chinese market. Last year, our first participation yielded significant results, and that's why this year, we have expanded our booth area."

This year marks the debut of the century-old British brand Chubbsafes under Sweden’s Gunnebo Group at the CIIE. Judy Tang, Greater China Sales Director at Gunnebo Hong Kong Limited, shared that the company initially showcased a product through a group exhibit at the inaugural CIIE. After years of preparation, they have secured a 72-square-meter booth for independent participation this year. "We will be showcasing the most expensive safe on the Chinese market, valued in the millions, made in Germany, designed in Italy, and boasting the highest security level in the world," Tang said. "Through the CIIE, we aim to make a significant push into the Chinese consumer market."

The 7th CIIE will be held from November 5 to 10 in Shanghai. The SFC reporter learned that the preparations have shifted from focusing primarily on exhibitor recruitment to organizing buyer attendance. Various trade group organizations are progressing in an orderly manner.



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